Sunday, February 15, 2009

Things I love :: Valentine's Day Weekend

From the All-Star game to Valentine's Day this weekend was chock full o' fun. Let's start with Friday when my wonderful husband sent me 1 1/2 dozen red roses to work. They were beautiful! That night we took an adventure down to 20th St. & Indian School where we (Chris, Eric, Andrew, Mark & I) waited for the Nogales Hot Dog van to arrive. We then proceeded to indulge in a bacon wrapped hot dog topped with pinto beans tomato and onion and your favorite salsas. It was very good, but my arteries were very mad at me.

Saturday morning I woke my husband up while it was still dark out so that we could sneak up to the roof of our building and watch the sunrise together. God is amazing. Chris was very happy when he found out that I had purchased his favorite pancake mix (Wildflower Bread Co.) and was going to make him heart shaped pancakes with bacon and coffee. It was a fun morning. Later that night my husband took me to dinner at City Hall. It was so delicious. I felt loved. To end the night we swung by Boris Diaw's house for a get together. Pretty much the most amazing house I have ever seen in my life.

The icing on the cake this weekend was my new friend Allison and her wonderful boyfriend Craig got engaged! So here's my shout out to Allison and Craig! Congratulations guys, you are going to be very happy! All-in-all it was a pretty nice little weekend. Did I mention I don't have to work on Monday either? Yup. Great weekend. Hope yours was just as fun.

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