If you haven't been to Carolina's Mexican food you don't know what you are missing. If you like Mexican food this is a must try. Carolina's has been around for a LONG time and rightfully so since they make the best green chile north of that university down in Tucson. Be aware that Carolina's (the original store) is not quite safe looking, however, rest assured it is probably one of the safest places to eat because at any given time you can always find one or more officers dining there. So make a trip down to the hood (15th St. & Mohave) for some dang good burritos or if you're chicken you can head to Cave Creek & Cactus for the new and improved Carolina's Mexican Food.
Oh and a word to the wise, always ask for your burro double wrapped. It will cost you an extra dollar, but trust me by the end of your burro you will have lost all structural integrity. Happy eating!
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