Full Name: Kaitlyn Marie Myers
Location: Chandler, Arizona
Occupation: Professionally Awesome
Alma Mater: Soon to be ASU...let's just get through senior year first.
Starbucks order: Grande iced black and white mocha with an extra shot
How we met: You married my brother! But if we're talking specifics...I walked in my house and Chris introduced you to me and I was weirded out because ONE...you were a girl...and I had never seen Chris with one of those before and TWO...you weren't wearing any makeup (she gave it up for lent) and I was scared he would be into one of those low-maintenance type of girls. Those are never any fun.
If you could go to dinner with any three people dead or alive, who would it be and why?:
These people would all have to be in a somewhat similar category as opposed to the whole "random people I like" catagory because let's face it...nobody likes an awkard dinner.
And the catagory is...sexy men:
#1. Ryan Reynolds because he's delicious...which would totally go with the whole dinner theme.
#2. Steve Bays because he totally pulls of the carrot top jew fro rocker grunge look.
#3. Hugh Jackman...but only as Wolverine...I want to eat dinner with a man with retractable claws.
Describe your perfect Sunday:
The perfect sunday would have to be Coldstone coffee ice cream loaded with chunks of peanut butter, topped off with...oh...wait...you meant SUNDAY not SUNDAE...I don't really DO homonyms.
Describe your perfect Sunday:
The perfect sunday would have to be Coldstone coffee ice cream loaded with chunks of peanut butter, topped off with...oh...wait...you meant SUNDAY not SUNDAE...I don't really DO homonyms.
My perfect SUNDAY would be sleeping in until 11 where it's not too early and not too late and then hanging out with my friends doing something fun but also relaxing...like watching TV or going to get coffee or something.
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