Full Name: Danielle Christine Wold
Location: Chandler, AZ
Occupation: Program Planning and Control Analyst
Alma Mater: Arizona State University
Starbucks order: Green Tea Frappuccino (no whipped cream)
How we met: Nicki and I met at our friend Allison's bachelorette party and then really got to know one another at the wedding! We just clicked and have been good friends ever since. I just love Nicki's bubbly personality and warm spirit!!
If you could go to dinner with any three people dead or alive, who would it be and why?:
Grandma and Grandpa Wold- I miss my grandparents so much and would love to spend an evening catching up with them :)
Will Ferrell- He cracks me up and he is one of my favorite actors/comedians!! I would love to spend a night laughing with him.
Princess Diana- She was an amazing woman and I would love the chance to talk to her about her thoughts on the current world status.
Describe your perfect Sunday:
The morning would consist of cooking a big breakfast with my family! Then we would just enjoy the rest of the day with each other either laying by the pool, baking, shopping, or watching football/basketball.
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